Monday 9 April 2012

Being Part of the Planning Process

We live in a democracy; some might doubt whether or not it's a good example of one, but one it is. Our governments, local and central, are elected by us and represent us. Nationally we have the right of referendum: a direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked to either accept or reject a particular proposal. This may result in the adoption of a new constitution, a constitutional amendment, a law, the recall of an elected official or simply a specific government policy. It is a form of direct democracy.
Locally decisions are made at Council but are usually after a consultation period. Are you familiar with the Council's Have Your Say ? The Have Your Say web site shows you up to date information about what the Council is consulting on. Each project listed has an online form for people to use to let the Council know what you think about a proposal. Is this another example of direct democracy?
This week Council will be holding public meetings where we'll have the right to comment on the Draft Annual Plan. Indeed, the document recommends by way of Legal Requirement
12. It is recommended that the Council consult with its community in respect of decisions about a number of Council-owned facilities that have suffered extensive earthquake damage. Included in the documents attached to this report are Statements of Proposal for distribution and consultation by way of a special consultative procedure.

Do you know what to do? Write. Pick up a pen and paper and write to your Councillors. Their addresses are easy-

So, there's the Draft Annual Plan, but recently (5th April) Council approved master plans for New Brighton and Edgeware.

The Christchurch City Council has approved the development of master plans to support the recovery and rebuild of New Brighton and Edgeware’s suburban shopping centres.

This, folks, is where we stand up, united and say: We're happy you've approved the development of a Master Plan. As a community we require a lengthy consultation period: in order for this recovery and revitalisation plan to be a success it must be community driven.

E raka te maui, e raka te katau.
A community can use all the skills of its people.

Let's work together to Renew Brighton


  1. If anyone wants to be updated on new projects on Have Your Say, you can subscribe to it via rss here:

    1. Thanks Greg, that's great information. I'll be subscribing to that!


Kia ora
Thanks for making a comment- subject to editing, it will be posted tomorrow!